Blackberry Messenger 6.1 Beta

Now the blackberry messenger 6.1 beta ( BBM 6.1 ) was present. Because it is still a beta version, blackberry messenger 6.1 only available in blackberry beta zone. Interestingly blackberry messenger 6.1 beta brings many changes and feature additions. Some features of blackberry messenger 6.1 beta:
- Animated Avatars : You can access a selection of animated GIFs that come alive when you hover over the avatar. 3 animated avatars are available as part of the beta as a sneak peak (including a smile, laughter and in love) with a greater selection to come at launch. You can access avatars when changing your display picture within the Avatars folder and can source your own animated GIF (GIF files must be less than 32K and Square dimensions)
- 12 New Emoticons : Add to the range of expressions available to enhance your conversations with 12 new emoticons to choose from.
- Personal Message size increased to 160 characters : We’ve doubled the size of the personal message space to 160 characters. The previous limit was 80 characters.
- Colored Chat Bubbles : Customize the color of chat bubbles with 10 colors to choose from. You can pre-assign these colors to your contacts by simply going into your BBM contacts profile and selecting the desired contact chat color from the palette.
- Camera / Avatar Integration : You can update your BBM avatar right from the BlackBerry camera app by selecting "Set as BBM Display Picture" from the menu options.
Unfortunately for Animated avatars and 12 new emoticons can be seen only when your friends using the Blackberry Messenger 6.1 also.
Blackberry Messenger 6.1 Beta


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