Absolute System Root Tools 1.7.8 apk

Absolute System Root Tools 1.7.8 apk update : 
# To change fonts you have to press the menu button on your phone and select MIUI only(Arial.ttf) from within the font download portion of the app. You only have to do this once per install of app.
# For boot animations to work with Samsung
# Devices you have to be running a custom.
# ROM that supports it.
# Stock rooted Samsung will not be able to change Boot Animations.
# for HTC Evo4g Users : if you've used unrevoked to root your device make sure you update to latest version of SuperUser App and su binary, as the version they install is severely crippling Absolute System Root Tools and causing great Lag on EVO4Gs.
Absolute System Root Tools 1.7.8 apk features :
+ Root(SU) File Browser/File Management
+ Zip file creation/extract
+ Bulk Email Files
+ Bulk Copy/Move/Delete Files
+ Image previews
+ APK File Viewer/Extraction
+ Bunch of other Stuff 
+ Bootanimation.zip Editor (Change all values of the desc.txt to change Width/Height/Frames Per Second/Comment out certain Parts etc)
+ Preview/DL Over a 200 Boot Animations.
+ Import Boot Animations you've placed on root of /sdcard.
+ Preview/DL Over 200 Fonts.
+ App Backup & Data to SDCard.
+ App Mgmt Remove System/Data apps from phone.
+ App Mgmt Cache/Data Clear.
+ Text Editor to modify ASCII Files (Build.prop etc)
+ AD Block Support
+ AD Block Support
+ SQLite3 Database Viewer
☆ Absolute System Root Tools 1.7.8 apk


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[+] To successfully run the app on symbian phone, you should make sure the phone has been hacked.
[+] I have not had to reupload the download link for the most part that has been damaged due to my limited time. We are sorry for this inconvenience.
Thank you very much for your visit and comments.

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