Android Signer Apk v1.1

Android Signer Apk v1.1 is a free tool to signing apk file android. You can generate a set of private keys to sign your own apk with Signer Apk. The keys generated are fully compliant with current android market requirements. And you can issue a certified android application using the private key. So with Signer Apk  you can easily sign an unsigned apk or sign to signed back.
Android Signer Apk v1.1 features :
- Sign test key
- Sign private key
- Generate private Key
- ZipAlign apk
System Requirements :
- Win XP/Win Vista/Win 7
- Java Development Kit 7 ( JDK )
User Guide :
- Download Android Signer Apk v1.1
- Create folder : C:\Program Files, example : C:\Program Files\Signer
- Extract to C:\Program Files\Signer
- Copy unsigned apk into input 
- Open Signare.exe, for win vista/win 7 : open as administrator
- Follow on screen prompt
Android Signer Apk v1.1 Released :
# Added jdk 7 install path to user path
# Temporary change, user path restored on closure
# Added detection of jdk installation
# Code improvements


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