Avoid Mobile Phones Radiation

Mobile phones radiation causes health problems until now is still being debated.Although still under debate, as the electronic products that emit waves, the existence of mobile phones necessary arrangements and procedures that fit and safe to use.Based on the research, each year 30 to 50 thousand cases of health problems from mobile phones.
*Some tips that are useful to avoid the radiation from mobile phones:
1. Limit the use of talk time.
Get used to limit the talk time on mobile phones, most do not prepare in advance material for conversation.After two minutes you are talking on the phone then the natural electrical activity will begin to rise to the brain.
2. Against Vulnerable Children. 
Children must have the physical endurance of the weaker than adults, including in terms of mobile phone radiation.For that your child get used to not be too frequent use of mobile phones for voice activity.But children should also be given an understanding to the use of mobile phones where they have an emergency.
3. Take advantage of Airtube Headset.
Although have been using the headset does not mean you can be free from the effects of radiation.One solution that is utilized airtube headset. This type of headset is equipped with holes or cavities in the speakers.
4. Do not enter mobile phones into a pants pocket.
Material in the pants sometimes can be conductors are quick to radiation, rather than a reaction to the head. One study revealed the position of mobile phones in pockets, particularly near the groin could have an effect on sperm quality to fall 30 percent. This can be an important concern for the men.
5. Pause When Making a Call. 
When you use the phone without a headset, wait a while until your call is connected to the network operator, then attach the ears to the speakers.To some extent this can reduce the effects of radiation.
6. Do not Use mobile phones in elevators.
There is an opinion for the delay on the phone in enclosed metal chamber, in this case are the elevators and the vehicle box.The reason for this activity can trigger the mobile phone so that it can trap the Faraday's law of radiation emitted and consequently turned to the user.
7. Signal Strength Indicator.
While want to make calls, you should consider the condition of the network operator on the phone screen. If making a call in as the signal or one bar then the process of working mobile phones to connect to the network operators gain weight. It also brings an effect on the level of radiation.
8. Use Mobile with Low SAR.
Each mobile phone which has outstanding levels of SAR (specific absorption rate) is different.SAR is defined as a measure of energy absorption rate of RF (radio frequency) that can enter the body. The lower the level of SAR is increasingly good mobile phone in question. SAR indicator is generally already included in the manual operation of the mobile phone.
9. EMF Protection.
Use either mobile phone or other device with a validation of the EMF (electronic filed) protection.One that stuck out today as the utilization of bio-energy.EMF radiation can be cumulative in your body, being the easiest to observe the biological stress.
10. Consuming supplements.
Microwave radiation from the devices in the base station can reduce the level of anti-oxidants in the body.This could be a threat, because anti-oxidants your body needs for protection and influence on indicators of stress, infections and other diseases.For that you need to take supplements that contain elements of Melatonin, Zinc, Gingko Biloba and Bilberry Extract.All four of these elements can increase the anti-oxidant, protects the brain and eye health.


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