How to install android applications

Android operating system is a relative newcomer to the mobile phone market, a strong and cohesive Android Internet support community appears to be lacking.Without an adequate Android support system in place, many Android users are left in the dark when it comes to many tricky tasks, like installing third party applications to their Android mobile phones.In order to install third party applications to your Android phone, you need to install APK, or Android Package files. APK (Android Package) is the type of file format that is used to install applications on Android phones.This file format, a variant of the JAR format, is used for distributing and installing bundled components on to the Android operating system.And apk file can be opened and inspected using common archive tools such as 7-Zip, WinZip, WinRAR and Ark.An APK file is an archive that usually contains the following folders:
Here are three ways of installing APK file into the Android phone: through the Android Market, Android SDK (Software Development Kit) and the application APKInstaller:
1.Installing Applications Through the Android Market
Android Market is the official website provider android mobile applications and services that are managed by Google.Like the iPhone App Store by Mac or Ovi by Nokia Store. 
➢Copy the APK file to your Android’s memory card and insert the card into your phone.
➢Download and install the Apps Installer application from the Android Market
➢Once installed, the Apps Installer will display the APK files on the memory card.
➢Click and install your APK files.
2.Installing Applications With Android SDK
The first way you want to install any applications on the Android Market. if you can file APK from the site or any other forum that is providing the APK file how install it with the Android SDK. Unfortunately this method is not as easy as the first way but also not too difficult really, so watch carefully the steps. Download and install the Google Android SDK program and the Android USB drivers. The download links are as follows: 
You need to modify your Android’s settings to allow the installation of applications from other sources. Under “Settings,” select “Application Settings” and then enable “Unknown Sources.” Also under “Settings,” select “SD Card” and “Phone Storage,” and finally enable “Disable Use for USB Storage”.
Open Command Prompt and type the following: adb install <1>/<2>.apk.When you type the command, replace <1> with the path to your APK file and replace <2> with the name of the APK file,for example adb install c:\ workspace\ musicplayer\bin\yahoo messenger.apk.
You’re done! Your application is now ready for your use and enjoyment.
3.Installing Applications With APK Installer
This method is a little like a way to install Android SDK application with the difference more easily because they do not need to apply the settings on your phone.With this APKInstaller application, users can install the APK file on the computer to Android phone by simply clicking the APK file.For more details, here are the steps how to install:
Download APKInstaller
After installed, plug the Android phone to a computer.
When connected computer select phone mode.Click APK file on the computer you want to install the Android phone.Follow the instructions that appear.


  1. I want to install app on my Android. Thank you guidance.

  2. The programming code required / used is mainly html, css, javascript, xml, flash and c# - most of which (except the c#) I already know as a website designer! The difference is that a Android Mobile Apps is packaged differently

  3. Nice posting, thanks for sharing with us. Your blog is great and helped me feel better knowing about the install android applications.

  4. i need to install whats app on my pc,
    i cant install bluestack, any suggestions?
    thank youuu


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