Foursquare Symbian

Foursquare Symbian is a social networking website that allows location-based symbian users to interact with their peers and directly check-in their current location. Check-in within the foursquare is when users notify foursquare where he resides. Check-in can be done anywhere, in a restaurant, museum, City Park, or at University. When you perform a check-in then you will be given a points. Points can also be obtained by adding a new location that does not exist within the Foursquare website.
Users of foursquare symbian can also check-in their current location at the same time also provide a comment about that location. Foursquare is working with Facebook and Twitter, so if the users check in then it will automatically present on Facebook and Twitter accounts. And this time I will share Foursquare symbian with .jar format and .SIS for symbian s60v3 and symbian s60v5, please select which one is preferred. 
Features Foursquare symbian :
Check in.
Venue less check in ‘check in here anyway’.
Search places.
Add place.
Recent chickens from friends.
User info.
Manage friend requests.
Friend lists.
Send friend requests.
and more...
☆Foursquare Symbian JAR


  1. great! But not working today, frustrating cause I can't check in to where I've been.

  2. how to add a new place? I cant find that option


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[+] To successfully run the app on symbian phone, you should make sure the phone has been hacked.
[+] I have not had to reupload the download link for the most part that has been damaged due to my limited time. We are sorry for this inconvenience.
Thank you very much for your visit and comments.

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