Theme iPhone iOS Extreme 1.72

Theme iPhone iOS Extreme 1.72 update :
# 17 new icons added to the library.
# New replacement icons for market Apps : GO Dialer EX and GO Contacts EX.
# 254 icons iOS 4 style to replace your system apps and Market apps.
# Tab Bar, Tab icon & Buttons with the same look of iPhone.
# Background of the App Drawer and folders just like iOS 4.
# Icon & Text Shadows on the main screen
iPhone iOS Extreme is a theme for GO Launcher EX, inspired by the iPhone operating system. iOS Extreme was carefully created to simulate and improve the GUI interface of the iPhone, including the buttons, the Tab icons, pre-made iOS icons, folders and Tab Menu as well as icons for select Market Apps.
This a fantastic theme and represents the original view of the iPhone.
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