Rising Mobile Security

Rising Mobile Security is a free antivirus protection on Symbian phones (Symbian S60 3rd & 5th) and Android. Additionally Rising Mobile Security is very lightly used. Rising Mobile Security will scan and clean viruses, optimize your mobile phone operating system, providing defense and security system privacy data stored on mobile devices. Due to Rising Mobile Security integrates Privacy Protection, Defense harassment, Mobile Optimization and Antivirus.
Rising Mobile Security features :
# Scan your system for malicious files
# Select Scan Mode
# Monitor real-time
# Auto boot up
# VIP room
# Black and white list for calls and sms
# Safe for storing passwords.
# File Encryption (photo, video etc.)
# Service numbers (Chinese)
# Process Manager with the possibility of closing


  1. Mobile Security is extremely important like you say above. One of the best ways to avoid mobile security issues is by staying up-to-date. I wrote an article of the differences between keeping up-to-date on Android vs iOS.

    Mobile Security: Apple iOS vs Android

    Thanks for the info!

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[+] To successfully run the app on symbian phone, you should make sure the phone has been hacked.
[+] I have not had to reupload the download link for the most part that has been damaged due to my limited time. We are sorry for this inconvenience.
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