Easy Way to Block Ads on Android

Application to block ads on android has been widely available. But there is an easy way to block ads on  android, which includes a list of ad providers address in the directory /etc/hosts. To do writing to the file /etc/hosts main requirement is that you have android root.
Below is an easy way to block ads on android :
1. Using adb shell
- Copy the list of ads in hosts.zip to hosts
- Push hosts file to / sdcard
- Go to the Android system by adb shell
- Login as root by typing su -
- If not mounting, mounting command : mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock0 /system
- Copy hosts file to /etc/hosts, cp /sdcard/hosts /etc/hosts
2. Using root android application
- Download file hosts.zip
- Extract hosts.zip to your computer
- Edit hosts file with notepad, copy ads block list into  hosts : save .
- Copy hosts into Android using a USB cable or  bluetooth, place in a folder where as only temporary.
- Run the application root on your android, go to the folder /System/etc/ hosts
- Rename the file hosts to hosts.old ( backup file )
- Copy new hosts to the folder : /system/etc/hosts
- Close the application root and restart your android.
- If you want to restore as before, delete hosts file then rename hosts.old become hosts.


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