BlackBerry Protect

BlackBerry Protect is a free application designed to keep your information secure if your BlackBerry smartphone goes missing.If you’re on an applicable consumer data plan (enterprise plans are not supported at this time), you can download BlackBerry Protect  and then log into the website where you can lock, locate or wipe your smartphone from wherever you are.You can also choose to have your crucial data backed up wirelessly and automatically, as often as you choose (daily, weekly, or monthly).
Features BlackBerry Protect :
-Locate it on a map
-Set a password and lock it to protect your information
-Wipe all the contents
-Make your BlackBerry ring loudly to help find it
-Display a message on the homescreen instructing whoever finds it on how to return it
-Wirelessly back up  contacts, calendar, memos, tasks, browser bookmarks, and text messages
-Automatically back up daily, weekly, or monthly
-Wirelessly restore your backed up data when switching to a new BlackBerry
-Save on data usage by: Only backing up information that has changed from the previous backup (incremental backups), Only backing up over WiFi, Preventing backup while roaming
Setup BlackBerry Protect :
*Download  BlackBerry Protect
-Mirror download BlackBerry Protect OS 5
-Mirror download BlackBerry Protect OS 6 
*Install on your blackberry and setup backup restore data BlackBerry 
-Find Your Device: Can help you to rediscover your Blackberry as well as locking devices.
-Protect Your Data: To lock your lost BlackBerry, BlackBerry Protect immediately take over the existing password in the device and write a new password.This makes your Blackberry is lost can not be used or can not upgrade its OS. You can also delete existing data on the Blackberry and the Media Card installed.
*After finish setup blackberry protect, lock using a Lock Apps BlackBerry. This is to avoid the thieves did not log out on your Blackberry device.
*Please note when you do not have a GPS Blackberry, Blackberry Protect is unable to find these devices. 


  1. it's really nice that you could make this themes for blackberry 8900.

  2. Gotocamera has a user friendly and FREE surveillance/video monitoring app for BlackBerry. One can use the service to watch over pets, children, elders, etc., when you're compelled to leave them alone at home or with a nanny. This service can also be used to monitor small businesses. The process of getting started is very simple. All you need to do is set up a GotoCamera Account (also free) to use this app. Just follow the simple instructions on the sign-up page and you're good to get started. The idea behind this app is to assist to make communities safer, and give home owners peace of mind when they’re capable of remotely monitoring their home and loved ones. Considering the fact that they're being used by people in over 180 countries, looks like GotoCamera is definitely doing something right :)

  3. I use LEO Privacy to protect my blackberry. With my friend using my phone without permission. now leo privacy can lock the apps that i dont want him to see or use ^^Its best lock app i have ever used just love it. Its so versatile and time saving. It is a life saver truly. U can do so much with this app.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. It's seemed that everyone love LEO Privacy! Very popular in my hometown!! It is a new Android based mobile security & data privacy app. The app tracks what apps are doing in the background to include how much data is being sent from your phone. It's available through the GOOGLE PLAY store:


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[+] To successfully run the app on symbian phone, you should make sure the phone has been hacked.
[+] I have not had to reupload the download link for the most part that has been damaged due to my limited time. We are sorry for this inconvenience.
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