Lock Blackberry like Iphone with BerrySlider

Applications BerrySlider very popular and attractive easy to lock your BlackBerry device.BerrySlide make blackberry lock screen display as  iPhone.BerrySlider will change the look of "lock screen" your Blackberry into "lock slider" like  iPhone.You just move the trackball or trackpad to open.However, berryslider have few weaknesses. Do not use numbers as a password to create a password on BerrySlider. Use only letters.If you already enter numbers and locked.Press alt + aA left + Q + back button : press sequentially with detained.
#Blackberry 85xx (OTA)
#Blackberry 8900 (OTA)
#Blackberry 900 / 96xx / 9700 (OTA)
#Blackberry 95xx (OTA)
Before downloading and installing blackberry applications via OTA,you should also read other articles about how to install blackberry application.


  1. I don't know if BlackBerry can be unlocked with iphone 6s unlock method but it's totally worth to try

  2. I can lock up my Facebook, WhatsApp, Clash of Clans, Messenger, Gallery and other important apps which may leak your privacy with LEO Privacy. And I can also customize my lock mode which allows me to lock different apps under different circumstances. But I will have a try of your way. You also can try what I said. https://goo.gl/rl0dX8


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[+] To successfully run the app on symbian phone, you should make sure the phone has been hacked.
[+] I have not had to reupload the download link for the most part that has been damaged due to my limited time. We are sorry for this inconvenience.
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