Free BlackBerry Screen Capture

Blackberry provides lots of screen capture applications are free or paid.To you who are looking for blackberry free screen capture applications below can be used as selection:
*Capture NUX Blackberry
Capture Nux easier and multifunctional than blakberry other screen capture applications such ScreenMuncher or captureIt.
Features Capture NUX Blackberry:capture with timer,preview capture,edit the captured,add text,add own image,add arrow,edit font & color for text,save it to a separate folder etc.
Additional Tips:To facilitate the capture screen without the need to push the BlackBerry menu and select a screen capture.You can set the convenience key, so the application will work when we push the button quickly to the left on the blackberry.Sign in option,select screen or keyboard.Change left side convenience key opens into Capture NUX.Click the download Capture NUX below to install directly from your BlackBerry davice.
Download Capture NUX
* vScreenshot Blackberry
vScreenshot is a free trustworthy screenshot.vScreenshot application will ask for the settings when first run. You are prompted to enter the percentage you want to keep the picture quality, enable or disable the vibrate, and also the screenshot image storage media.Some Features vScreenshot Blackberry:
-This application can be run from an extensive menu system, or a direct call to set a convenience key to launch this application.
-If you have Vayyoo installed, it will take a screen-shot and make it available on Vayyoo, so you can send them to your favorite destination
-You can take screenshots of your high scores, maps, chat messages, the browser page and even bugs that you see.
-If you want to change the settings, please look for the option in the options list vScreenshot BlackBerry.
-You can choose to:Enable / Disable vibrating.If you are taking screenshots a lot, and do not want to see Vayyoo every time, and then find they are all ready to send in applications Vayyoo .Change the location of the file between the SD Card vs device.
-You can also change the appropriate channels (please do be careful) Browser Screenshot: OS 6.0  problems to  known where the browser's menu does not work.Solution is to use the convenience in that case.
Storm User: If you see a small screen-shot, please STOP the compatibility mode.
Download vScreenshot


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