Theme Blackberry Premium Legend OS 6

Theme Blackberry Premium Legend OS 6

Theme Blackberry Premium Legend OS 6
Blackberry 96XX Tour (Niagara) Series (480*360):9600, 9630, 9650(Tour2), 9670, 9700(Bold2), 9780
This is a premium theme by MMMOOO. Called Legend, this theme is legendary.
Theme Blackberry Premium Legend OS 6 features :
- It combines / utilizes both a sliding dock and dashboard style.
- The dashboard has three different trays:
  Utilities : Options, Memopad, Calculator, Profiles and Connections.
  Media : Music, Ring Tones, Pictures, Voice Notes, and Videos
  Phone : Contacts, Messages, SMS, Calander and Browser
- Best and Sense Dashboard Theme in 2011
- Enhanced OS7 style icon set
- 3 folder shortcuts on homescreen
- Bold and Black,  fresh color comparison.
Theme Blackberry Premium Legend OS 6


  1. Hola un saludo Exelente tema.
    una pregunta me podrias pasar los iconos
    Os7 red que se ben en las imagenes
    solo los iconos.

  2. mi e-mail


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