Tutorial SSH Tunnel SOCKS Proxy Through KEmulator Java Emulator Mobile Browser

This time a free mobile blog will give you a little tutorial on ssh tunnel socks proxy using KEmulator java emualator. But before we discussed a little bit what is ssh tunnel and java emulator . Secure Shell (SSH) is a network protocol that allows internet data exchange through a secure channel between two network devices. SSH encryption provides confidentiality and integrity of data over an insecure network. So SSH Tunnel Proxy consists of encrypted connections through the SSH protocol connections. You can set up an SSH Tunnel Proxy to transfer unencrypted traffic over a network through an encrypted channel. While java emulator is an emulator that allows you to run java applications on the windows operating system or the others. So with KEmulator java emulator you can connect internet encryption with mobile browser java. This means that your connection will be encrypted so that you can surf safely on the internet through the browser java mobile applications. This way other th...